Our Culture

We believe that great people make great games, and the best way to make great games is to empower those great people. We're remote first, we respect each other for our differences, we have a strong work-life balance, and we're incredibly passionate about building AVALON.

Team Picture

Team Picture #2
Building People Building Games

Many companies, universities, and organizations often share a number of values that they intend to represent as their company culture. More often than not these values feel like insincere marketing, or wishful thinking by the companies leadership and oftentimes the reality of the culture of those companies is quite different than the values they espouse.

At AVALON Corp we take these values seriously.

We invest in our team through mentorship, learning opportunities, numerous perks, and an array of health and wellness benefits. We know that exceptional products are built by people who feel good about the place and people with whom they work.

Remote First

Being remote allows us to spend more time with the people and animals we love, and that alone makes it worth it to us as a studio. Remote work has been proven to be better for productivity, better for mental health, gives people more of their time back and gives us access to global talent, allowing us to create the best team of people from around the world.

Big Doggo

Cultural Pillars

Pursuit of Joy

Everything we are creating is in the pursuit of joy; for ourselves, our team, and our customers. This philosophy extends from our workplace to the products we create.

Empower Creativity

Humans are innately, intensely creative creatures. We empower everyone on our team to unlock and share their creativity, and by extension, do the same for our players and creators too.

Be the Best You

Our planet is a diverse place full of many amazing people and cultures, and we all have something unique to offer the world. We respect ourselves and each other for our differences and lift each other up to become our best selves.

Encourage the Heart

From within our hearts lies our passion to drive for change. Through love, we can encourage those around us to do their very best. We encourage compassion, inspiration, and autonomy by challenging the process, modeling the way, enabling others to act, and inspiring a shared vision.

Defy the Impossible

It is only through our creativity, teamwork and sheer will that we can change the world.


Believe in yourself, believe in our team, believe in our dream, and ultimately, believe in humanity's potential.

Our goals are not merely ambitious or lofty. They are some of the most aggressive and far-reaching goals of our time. We believe our creativity, expertise, resolve, and collective imagination is what will make AVALON into the spark that will ignite the creation of a true multiverse.

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” - Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

Join Us

Avalon is where innovation meets integrity. We're eagerly building technology that will shape the digital future for humanity and we're doing so whilst having fun, maintaining respect for each other, and giving space for our personal growth.

If this is the kind of environment you'd like to work in then we would love to hear from you!


Avalon Logo


